National Traffic Awareness Month Aims to Prevent Accidents

A red car with significant damage to its rear side parked on the road after an accident, with debris scattered around and other vehicles in the background.

August is National Traffic Awareness Month, a critical time to promote road safety and good driving habits to prevent car accidents. That message is especially important since car wrecks remain a serious problem nationwide and around the world.

“National Traffic Awareness Month aims to shed light on the safety rules that can help prevent major or minor accidents from taking place,” according to National Today.

Texas roads remain deadly

In 2023, 4,283 people died in car accidents in Texas, according to data from the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)). While this figure represents a 2.8 percent decrease from 2022, when 4,407 fatalities were recorded, the numbers are still concerning.

The decrease is a positive sign, but the troubling reality is that Texas has seen over 4,000 car accident deaths each year for three consecutive years—one of the highest annual death tolls in the past decade.

Oklahoma crash fatalities continue to climb

Just like in Texas, car accident fatalities have been rising in Oklahoma in recent years. In 2022, car accidents claimed 710 lives in the state, according to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) data.

This number represents the second-highest car accident death toll in Oklahoma in the past decade. The only year with a higher death toll was 2021 when 762 people lost their lives in car crashes across the state.

Leading causes of deadly crashes in Texas & Oklahoma

Certain contributing factors consistently lead to fatal collisions in Texas, Oklahoma, and other states. Among the most common causes are:

  • Driving under the influence of alcohol: Alcohol-impaired driving remains a significant danger on the roads. In 2022, driving under the influence led to the loss of 1,869 lives in Texas and 186 lives in Oklahoma. Alcohol reduces reaction time, impairs judgment, and increases the likelihood of risky driving behaviors, making it a major contributor to fatal accidents.
  • Speeding: Excessive speed is a deadly factor in many crashes. In 2022, speeding caused 1,521 fatalities in Texas and 159 deaths in Oklahoma. Speeding not only reduces a driver’s ability to react to sudden changes in traffic conditions but also increases the force of impact during a collision, leading to more severe injuries and higher fatality rates.
  • Distracted driving: Distractions, particularly texting while driving, have become a leading cause of accidents. In 2023, distracted driving was responsible for 403 deaths in Texas alone. When drivers divert their attention from the road to their phones or other distractions, they are much more likely to miss critical cues and fail to avoid accidents.

Safety tips to avoid car crashes and stay safe on the road

While reckless drivers can create dangerous situations on the road, there are proactive steps every driver can take to reduce the risk of car accidents. Road safety advocates recommend the following essential safety tips:

  • Focus on driving and nothing else at all times: Distractions are a leading cause of accidents. Whether texting, eating, or adjusting the radio, anything that takes your attention away from the road can be dangerous. Staying focused ensures you’re fully aware of your surroundings and ready to react to potential hazards.
  • Obey the rules of the road, especially posted speed limits: Speed limits are set for a reason—they are designed to keep everyone on the road safe. Driving at the appropriate speed allows you more time to react and decreases the severity of accidents if they occur.
  • Leave enough space between your vehicle and other cars: Tailgating is a common cause of rear-end collisions. By maintaining a safe following distance, you give yourself enough time to stop or maneuver if the car in front of you suddenly slows down or stops.
  • Don’t drive under the influence: Alcohol and drugs impair your ability to drive safely. They slow reaction times, blur vision, and affect decision-making. Instead of getting behind the wheel when you're impaired, choose a designated driver ahead of time or use alternative transportation, like a rideshare service.
  • If you feel tired, take a break, and don’t drive drowsy: Drowsy driving can be as dangerous as driving under the influence. Fatigue reduces your alertness and slows your reaction time. If you’re feeling sleepy, pull over to a safe location and take a break before continuing your journey.

Why you need a lawyer after a car accident

You might think that if another driver caused your collision in Texas or Oklahoma, you won’t need a lawyer. Unfortunately, it’s not always that simple. The at-fault driver might try to shift the blame onto you, or insurance companies might work hard to minimize or deny your claim altogether.

That’s where we come in. At Hoover Rogers Law, LLP, our car accident lawyers in Wichita Falls, TX, and Lawton, OK, have years of experience fighting for injury victims and their families across Texas and Oklahoma. We know how the legal system operates in both states and are committed to securing the compensation you deserve to get your life back on track.

Let us stand up for you. Contact us to schedule a free consultation with a car accident attorney who will fight for the maximum compensation you deserve.

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