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Pedestrian Traffic Deaths Drop in 2023, But Still Above Pre-Pandemic Levels

Pedestrian crossing sign with a yellow arrow below, set against a background of mountains and blue sky.

Pedestrian accidents are among the most devastating incidents on our roads. Every year, too many lives are lost, and countless families are forever changed by these preventable tragedies.

Fortunately, pedestrian traffic deaths decreased in 2023. While this may seem like a win for road safety and news to celebrate, pedestrian traffic deaths remain significantly higher than pre-pandemic levels. Although progress is being made, there is still much work ahead to make our roads safer for pedestrians.

Pedestrian deaths drop but remain a major concern

For the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic began, pedestrian traffic deaths have declined. According to the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), drivers struck and killed 7,318 people in the United States, marking a 5.4% decrease from the previous year. This is a significant shift, especially considering that 2022 saw the highest number of pedestrian fatalities in 40 years.

However, while this decrease is a positive development, the number of deaths in 2023 is still 14.1% higher than in 2019, the last full year before the pandemic. The fight to make our streets safer for pedestrians is far from over.

Possible reasons for the decline in pedestrian traffic deaths

Several factors might explain the drop in pedestrian traffic deaths in 2023. Based on GHSA data reported by MSN, here are some key reasons:

  • Increased Federal Investment in Traffic Safety:
    • Between 2022 and 2023, the U.S. Department of Transportation distributed $2.4 billion to programs aimed at reducing traffic fatalities.
    • These funds have likely contributed to infrastructure improvements such as better lighting, more crosswalks, and the creation of pedestrian-friendly zones.
  • Vehicle Safety Enhancements:
    • Newer vehicles are now equipped with features like pedestrian detection systems and automatic emergency braking, which help prevent accidents.
    • Efforts to make larger vehicles, such as SUVs and pickup trucks, safer for pedestrians are also contributing to the decline in deaths.
  • Focus on Reducing Vehicle Speeds:
    • There has been an increased emphasis on lowering vehicle speeds in areas with high pedestrian traffic.
    • Lower speeds reduce the likelihood of collisions and lessen the severity of accidents when they do occur.

Common causes of pedestrian accidents

While infrastructure improvements, vehicle safety features, and reduced speeds play significant roles in decreasing pedestrian fatalities, several other factors contribute to pedestrian accidents. Some additional causes of pedestrian accidents include:

Distracted driving

Drivers using cell phones, eating, or engaging in other distractions can easily miss pedestrians. Distractions divert a driver's attention from the road, reducing their ability to react quickly to unexpected pedestrian movements.

Drunk driving

Drivers under the influence of alcohol are at higher risk of being involved in accidents. Impaired judgment and slower reaction times significantly contribute to pedestrian accidents, making it more difficult for drivers to avoid hitting pedestrians who may be crossing the road.

Poor weather conditions

Rain, fog, and other weather conditions reduce visibility and road traction, increasing the likelihood of pedestrian accidents. Drivers may have difficulty seeing pedestrians, and slippery roads can make it harder to stop in time to avoid a collision.

Aggressive and reckless driving

Behaviors such as speeding, tailgating, and ignoring traffic signals increase the risk of pedestrian accidents. Aggressive drivers may not yield to pedestrians at crosswalks or may make sudden maneuvers that endanger those on foot.

Drivers turning left

Drivers turning left often focus on oncoming traffic and may fail to notice pedestrians crossing the street. This common oversight can lead to serious accidents, particularly at busy intersections.

High traffic volumes

Areas with high volumes of traffic can be hazardous for pedestrians as the likelihood of interactions between vehicles and pedestrians increases. Congested areas often lead to aggressive driving and risky behaviors, increasing the risk of accidents.

Pursue justice with Hoover Rogers Law

Pedestrian accidents can leave lasting scars on families and communities. At Hoover Rogers Law, LLP, we focus on providing the legal representation and compassionate support needed to help those affected by these difficult situations. For instance, in one case, we secured $100,000 for a client injured in a vehicle-pedestrian collision.

With offices located in Wichita Falls, TX, and Lawton, OK, we are committed to fighting for the maximum compensation our clients deserve. Let us help you with your injury claim or lawsuit. Contact us today to see how our experienced pedestrian accident attorneys can help.

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